Tuesday, 25 October 2016


For the men in my life, including my two wonderful sons, my dad, my friends, and the amazing men here…I care about you! I was made aware of Movember this morning and to support this movement, I wil //meelp.com/blog/617032/post_3722829.html?ANON_CONFIRM=TRUE Yael:I used to call my bf all the time and he never picked up.(13 October 2016) Jerrie:How do [...]

I get extremely homesick really easily which is another reason.
(25 October 2016)

I have 3 huge projects due tomorrow 2 of which are not finished because of all the homework besides the projects.
(25 October 2016)

The amount of homework they give out is crazy, there is no time for anything besides homework.
(25 October 2016)

Hey everyone, I know that a lot of people just dislike school, but I full on hate it with a passion.It's not like the school is bad, everyone is nice and all but there are a few things that I believe make me dislike it.
(25 October 2016)

I'm average looking, but have no confidence. I am way to scared to make a move on a girl wether it be one I like or meet at a party?
(25 October 2016)

I don't see myself getting out of this situation, I'm to scared to do anything, any tips on how to be less shy, more confident?
(25 October 2016)

Help,my aunt is a crack head,my mom just got got of prison,and i don't know my real dad,the only real family i have are my grandparents?
(25 October 2016)

Boyfriend is supporting a situation that is wrong?
(24 October 2016)

I told my boyfriend that you are supporting something wrong and you are slowly going to ruin a friendship.
(24 October 2016)

My bfs friend won't let the girl he doesn't like her and is leading her on.
(24 October 2016)

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