Wednesday 19 October 2016

Life is sweet

Amman, irbid, Jordan // Tiffaney:And also I want to picture him so if you know some guys that might look good for the ‘role’ I’d appreciate that.(10 October 2016) Tiffaney:But I know I can’t use the name so I was hoping it you know some names similar to that or just think of any [...]

Is this a bad or good thing, romantically speaking?
(19 October 2016)

Why am I happy that she rejected me?
(19 October 2016)

I thought I would be sad if she rejected me but it's the contrary. why?
(19 October 2016)

It wasn't bad or anything since it was my fault for taking so long to talk to her and now she moved on and I'll say we ended on good terms well nothing happened between us anyway but why do I feel kinda Happy, relieved that she didn't say yes.
(19 October 2016)

Ok this girl that I like said she just started talking to someone.
(19 October 2016)

I hate my annoying little brother?
(19 October 2016)

I think I might have to take matters into my own hands since my parents don't seem to care.
(19 October 2016)

I mean c'mon he is 10. I was not like that when I was 10. My parents just go so easy on him and he is so spoiled.
(19 October 2016)

When we do family things we always have to listen to him because he cant even watch kids movies like Finding Nemo without screaming and being scared.
(19 October 2016)

He is so whiny and such a crybaby and not to mention a scardy cat.
(19 October 2016)

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