Monday 17 October 2016

Leila de Lima when she was justice secretary able to amass P24 million in just two months?

The STAR reported yesterday that Obuyes and Caranto went to the National Bureau of Investigation for the probe. They have undergone lie detector tests. Aguirre has also confirmed that six witnesses from the NBP have surfaced to pin down De Lima on possible drug and graft charges._ Michiko:Me and my girlfriend of 5 months broke…

My girlfriend left me because apparently I'm too extreme.
(16 October 2016)

If a girl never calls you should you continue to call her?
(16 October 2016)

I love her a lot, but can an interaction last in which one person does the engaging?
(16 October 2016)

Her parents died and she ended up having all kinds of hurtful relationships.
(16 October 2016)

She has attachment issues from adolescence.
(16 October 2016)

Is it a waste to check up on her every two weeks for a conversation?
(16 October 2016)

She always enjoys our conversations, but I'm the one calling her.
(16 October 2016)

And we both have our set of emotional disorders.
(16 October 2016)

Should I stay or break up?
(16 October 2016)

He does things for me, he cares for me when I travel, and he tells me he misses me when I m gone at work (I work a swing shift). All that, but I have doubts about the future and I don t really know why.
(16 October 2016)

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